Sometimes we know we want to spend time in God’s Word, but we don’t know how. All those thin, crinkly pages feel daunting. But God’s Word is alive and thinking on what He says can literally renew our minds.
So I’ve written a couple of studies that will lead you through the Word while bringing everyday application along the way. I pray He uses these Bible studies as a tool to reveal more and more of His great love to you.
Fruitful Affliction: Truths Gleaned from the Life of Joseph
This 6-week study uses the life of Joseph as a springboard to show that we as God’s children can bear “fruit” of joy, peace, and hope even in the midst of affliction.
Then Came Jesus: The Light of the World
This 4-week Bible study leads the reader on a journey with Jesus. Each week contains 5 study days, a suggested text for Scripture memory, and an optional “family time” reading and discussion point. Each day looks at the life of Jesus as well as personal application for our modern day lives. This study is perfect for the Advent season, but relevant any time of the year.
Rooted: Going Deep into God’s Transforming Love
This 6-week Bible study through the book of Ephesians takes the reader on a journey to see and experience the immeasurable, transforming love of God. Only when we first experience the love of our Maker — the love that came down through Christ — are we then able to truly love those in our world. Love down and out.